Find the answers for the most frequently asked questions below

Which stone is best for construction?

Ndarugo stones or Machine cut stones Ndarugo stones or Machine cut stones are best for construction. They use very few bags of cement.

Are machine cut stones good for building?

Yes! Machine cut stones are strong and use few bags of cement, thus making them very good for building.

What is 9 * 9 machine cut stones?

This is one of the sizes of machine cut stones. 9 * 9 machine cut stones is the largest size of machine cut stones.

How much is one lorry of stone in Kenya?

The price varies. The cost of one lorry of machine cut stones in Kenya is dependent on the size and number of stones and the type of lorry used.

Which stone is most durable?

Ndarugu stones Grade 1 Ndarugo stones are very durable.

What stones are good for building?

Machine cut stones or Ndarugo Stones Stones good for building are machine cut stones or Ndarugo stones.

Are machine cut stone prices fixed?

No they are not. The price of a machine cut stone or ndarugo stone is dependent on quality. The price can range anywhere between Kes 20 to Kes 27 per piece of stone..

Do you have the ndarugo stones readily cut?

No. In the quarry, we cut the stones and simultaneously load them onto the trucks once an order has been confirmed.

Can I come and inspect the machine cut stones at the quarry?

Yes. You are more than welcome to come and have a look at the quality of our ndarugo stones.

Which is the most common size of stone for building?

Size 6 by 9 The most common size of stone in construction is size 6 by 9

Are ndarugo building stones affordable?

Yes they are. These building stones are cheaper than the traditional building stones. They are also economical as they save you a ton of money that you would have otherwise spent on sand and cement.

What is the price of ballast?

650 shillings to 1800 shillings per tonne The price depends on who your supplier is. It can be as low as 650 shillings per tonne or as high as 1800 shillings per tonne.

How much ballast does a truck carry?

17 tonnes A 10-wheels truck carries 17 tonnes of ballast. No 10-wheels truck (Tata, Fvz or any tipper) is allowed to exceed this weight by Kenha. Anyone claiming to bring 18 tonnes is simply not being honest with you.