Admin Feb. 8, 2023

Ndarugo Stones

Ndarugo stones are commonly used in constructions to raise structures and partition interiors.

Ndarugo stones come in as:

  • Machine cut stones which come in specific dimensions which is a key design and build advantage as it allows builders to easily plan the building and cost requirements of a given structure.
  • The machine cut stones come in different Quality and prices. For the quality stones, machine cut Ndarugo stones 6’inch is @20/ while the 9’inch Ndarugo stone is @ 23/.
  • For the 6’inch  Ndarugo stone, a trailer carries a maximum of 2000 stones while for the 9’inch Ndarugo stone, a trailer carries a maximum  of 1200 stones
  • Manually cut stones or quarry stones are always of standard quality. Their difference with Ndarugo machine cut stones is that these are cut manually by people, meaning there is no machine used.