Machine Cut Stones in Kitui

Machine Cut Stones in Kitui

Admin Feb. 10, 2023

For the best grade machine cut stones in Kitui, consider us Ndarugo machine cut stones. Call us or drop a message via 0757978804. Delivery to Kitui from our site at Ndarugo machine cut stones for 6’inch and 9’inch at affordable prices per piece.

We have …

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A guide on machine cut stones

A guide on machine cut stones

Admin Feb. 15, 2023



Ndarugo is a well-known place at high point, off Thika Road. Here, quality and reliable stones are mined and cut into sizes with an aim of satisfying construction urges all around the country. Ndarugo stones are used in construction to raise structures …

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Machine Cut Stones vs Quarry Stones

Machine Cut Stones vs Quarry Stones

Admin Feb. 14, 2023

Machine cut stones and quarry stones are two types of building materials commonly used in Kenya. While they may serve similar purposes, they have some distinct differences that may make one more suitable for specific applications than the other. In this article, we will compare machine cut stones …

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